What are we looking at when describing Western Civilization? Is it the civilization founded upon the remains of Roman Empire adopting Christianity as a political tool through the Roman Catholic Church? After all, Popes acted as Emperor's with political will enforced through fear of God and sense of guilt. The original Christians spread messages of anti-authoritarianism, anti-feudalism, anti-finance capitalism and anti-debt which then spawned anti-colonial rebellion. The parables and preaching drew a lot from ancient myths which resonated with local cultures in speaking to the fundamental truths we all share. Western Civilisation sought to break down local cultures and centralise power through the Roman Church as a political entity. This attack on the local community and its traditions/culture continues through the spread of Anglo-American media, mass immigration and uniform regulations enacted by the EU. Surely we must differentiate between Western Civilization and Western Culture. The roots of culture go much deeper than civilisation and so it is local culture with all the attendant myths(in the true sense of the word) which must be defended, protected and allowed to flourish.

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I am posting a video on my YouTube channel tomorrow - "Western civilization is a myth" that reviews Naoise Mac Sweeney, The West: a New History of an Old Idea. It may interest you on this point. Also Felipe Fernandez-Armesto discusses the concepts of culture and civilization in his book, Civilizations, which is the focus of my online history course, World History Explorers: Civilizations. and is open for enrolment now here https://courses.jeffrichwriter.com/

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Thanks Jeff, just ordered and looking forward to reading McSweeny after this review.

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