I forgot to say that I wanted to explore Ellias Canetti's works too, after all my great-grandfather was a inhabitant of the same empire, and I have known many Viennese, both Jewish and Austrians.

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I had a super afternoon, sat in the sun reading your latest post post on Nobel prize winners, yanking notes and looking up the videos. They seem to be mostlyl outside of the nationalistic grip that seems to have gripped the period, and now. All the better for that. I hate British and American nationalism, it has damaged my country for all of my life, yet politicians cling to American allegiance as if they're lives depended on it, not even learning after the debacle of the lies that took us into an unwarranted war, and Obama telling us there was no "special relationship".

I'm keen to read these writers, although I have already read most Isaac Bashevis Singer's work, but a reread is long overdue, but as I become more adept at reading between your lines and sensitive to your restrained enthusiasm, I realise that Czeslaw Milosz is a great favourite of yours, so I shall obtain some of his works and see how I get on. I sent you a few coffees out of gratitude, sorry it couldn't be more.

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thank you so much Clare. Yes, Milosz is a favourite. Something about his sensibility resonates with me.

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I gathered that, and a recommend from you is good enough for me. I'm deep into Civilizations and Doom at the moment, but will get to Milosz very soon.

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