"The collapse of the Soviet Union emerged from its unique circumstances and failure to bend with the wind. America is in a different storm all together, but it too is failing to learn"?

Both collapses have a primitive cause: governance failure.

Russia and the West share long histories of incompetent governance. Stalin was the first Russian leader who took governance seriously and FDR was the only president who seriously attempted it.

China, by contrast, has studied, analyzed and practiced sophisticated governance for 2500 years.

It really wouldn't matter what ideology the country adopted, their governance would make it work just fine.

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Governance is at the heart of it, I agree. Gorbachev’s failure to govern his rebuilt society well is part of the story of Soviet collapse, just as American Supremacy is at the heart of its current failures. What makes governance so bad in particular places at particular times, and what can make it better?

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The first step is the one Geo. Washington recommended in his farewell address: ban political parties. They are, in essence, undemocratic, anyway.

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