Decade of Burning Archives

I started writing with the name of the Burning Archive in 2015. In this curated guide to my content over that decade, I introduce you to the channels I write on and my personally chosen highlights from each decade.

An iconic ‘Burning Archive’: Turner, Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons, 16th October, 1834 (public domain)

The Growth of the Burning Archive

This metaphor first appeared in my poem “The Burning Archive.” I wrote this poem in the early 2000s, and it is in my poetry collection Gathering Flowers of the Mind. I published this book in July 2021.

Buy Gathering Flowers of the Mind


In 2015 I applied the metaphor to the first blog published in my name. Between 2010 and 2014 I wrote a blog, The Happy Pessimist, under a pseudonym, Antonio Possevino. But I closed it down because I feared the authorities would punish me for publishing my views as a public servant. From 2015 I wrote and published for the first time in my own name, without pseudonyms and without the cone of silence imposed on government officials.

The Burning Archive found a mere handful of readers, but I found my authorial voice.

In 2023 I transitioned my ‘blog writing’ to Substack. You can read the blog online still, but the best way to read the early Burning Archive is in the two books of edited essays from both blogs, supplemented by other writing from this period.


In From the Burning Archive: essays and fragments 2015-2022 I published my writing on history, culture, literature, and the development of my writing voice. I published this book in November 2022, when after 33 years I left government service.

Buy From the Burning Archive

In Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Bureaucrat: writing on governing I published my blog posts on politics. This book included writings in government you are unlikely to find anywhere else, and that will give you a rare insight into the complexity of experience within government and the maze of power. I read a 20-minute excerpt as a mini audiobook in this post, “33 years as a bureaucrat” here on Substack.

You can read the first thirty pages of the book in this free sample, a thank you for reading my work.

13 Ways Of Looking At A Bureaucrat Introductory Sample
641KB ∙ PDF file

Buy Thirteen Ways of Looking


In 2021 I began a podcast in an effort to reach a wider audience than I found through my blog. I produced 150 episodes until I decided to focus in 2024 on Substack and YouTube. Nowadays my voiceovers at Substack are now streamed as podcasts.

My original podcast is still available on Spotify. So too is my updated Substack podcast - as well as being available here.

YouTube Channel

In late 2022 I launched my YouTube channel, after my departure from government. I had posted a few videos earlier, such as voiceover narrations of poems from Gathering Flowers of the Mind. But they received next to no views.

Remarkably enough a few videos took off. An early video on John Darwin’s After Tamerlane did well. A video on the Indian Film RRR did better. A video on Ridley Scott’s Napoleon got me monetised.

The YouTube channel and its relationship to my writing continue to evolve as I find a way for it to work for my writing, rather than me serving the algorith.

I recently restructured my YouTube content into two channels one. The original channel is now focussed on World History and Politics. The World Literature Burning Archive channel focuses on literature and I am migrating all of my Nobel Prize and Slow Read videos to that channel. YouTube likes you to stay in your niche.


I joined Substack in 2020 soon after it started. I joined, however, as a reader. I only started posting in 2022, and settled on a pattern only in mid 2024. I have written over 250 posts on Substack, and there are some gems in the archive.

In addition to the channels that I control I have written articles for other publications and done guest appearances on shows by other creators on radio and Youtube.

Highlights of the Decade of the Burning Archive


  • My very first post on The Burning Archive Blog in July 2015 on Walter Benjamin’s Theses on the Philosophy of History

  • Disenchantment of the World” in October 2015 on Max Weber and modernism as a response to the disenchantment of the world, mourning the loss of cultural, attachments that offer redemption for frailty and failure

  • Millennial predictions in October 2015 reviewed five predictions made by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto at the end of his Millenium: a history of our last thousand years (1995).











And in 2025 I announced my program for the year including weekly book recommendations, deep dives and Slow Read program.

In 2025 I also will publish a book of my essays on America including those originally published in Pearls and Irritations and here on Substack. I will link it here once it is out.